Volunteer Diaries
February 24, 2015

German and French African Animal Names

Hello!We are the three current wildlife volunteers on the 'Somkhanda Esikhotheni Zimanga Leopard Survey' in South Africa. Germans and French are united in one team. From our own experience, we have been struggling, from time to time, with African animal names. So, if you’re planning to come here, you should check out the list we made for you with all the important animals.

Pick your language in the below list of African animal names...

We have also added Zulu to the list of African animal names so you can show-off when you’re here!ENGLISHFRENCHGERMANZULULeopardLeopardLeopardIngweBuffaloBuffleBueffelInyathiElephantElephantElefantIndlovuRhinoRhinocerosNashornUmkhombeLionLionLoeweIbhubesiGiraffeGirafeGiraffeIndlulamithiCheetahGuepardGepardIngululeWild dogChien sauvageWildhundInkentshaneZebraZebreZebraIdubeWarthogPhacochereWarzenschweinIntibaneAardvarkOrycteropeErdferkelPorcupinePorquepicStachelschweinHippoHippopotammeFlusspferdImbomaMillipedeMille-piedsTausendfuesslerSchongololoVultureVautourGeierInqeSnakeSerpentSchlangeOstrichAutrucheStraussAnd if you’re still not sure if you want to come here, just take a look at these three little guys waiting here for you!

Leopard Survey

Written by Marion Allais, Anne Weinhold and Vincent LeckebuschPhotos of the animals are from the Somkhanda Esikhotheni Zimanga Leopard Survey cameras and the photo is of the three of them.